
The Governing Board of St Philip’s works in partnership with the Headteacher within an established Code of Practice to develop an effective strategy for the future direction of the school.  St Philip’s is a Voluntary Aided School, although largely Local Authority financed.  The Governing Board employs the staff, sets the pupil admission criteria and monitors the religious curriculum.  St Philip’s is a Catholic school in the Diocese of Shrewsbury.  

What is the role of a Governor?

The role of the Governing Body is to challenge and support the school.  It shares the school vision, celebrating the success and achievements of the school as well as providing strategic input to school development plans.  The Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’, monitoring and evaluating decisions and progress within the school.  The role of a governor includes: 

  • Demonstrating support for the Headteacher’s position as professional leader of the school  
  • Working with the Headteacher to set the future direction for the school 
  • Working with the Headteacher in deciding how the school’s budget should be spent 
  • Monitoring spending within the school budget 
  • Working co-operatively with other Headteacher and staff and other governors to raise standards and improve outcomes for all children at the school 
  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of the school in raising standards for all. 

Governors’ Commitment

The governors give of their time and their skills freely taking responsibility for their development by attending training where appropriate. They come from a variety of backgrounds and skills and represent the wider community of St Philip’s School.  Each governor is assigned to a committee and attends three further meetings annually. The main committees are the Resources Committee which has oversight of the school budget and its deployment and the Teaching and Learning Committee whose remit covers all aspects of learning and standards within the school.  

Structure of the Governing Body

Our Governing Body comprises of:

  • Seven Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury 
  • Two Parent Governors appointed by parental vote 
  • One Staff Governor appointed by staff votes 
  • One Local Authority Governor appointed by the Local Authority  
  • Associate Governors chosen by the Governing Body
  • The Headteacher 

The Chair of Governors is Mrs Elizabeth Donegan who can be contacted via the school.  All Governors complete an Annual Register of Interests.  In line with the Freedom of Information Act, minutes of Governing Board meetings are public documents and are available to interested parties.  Please contact the school for details if required.

Our governing board comprises of the following members:

Name and Position Category Term of Office Appointed by Committees Linked Subject Area Business/Material Interests

Elizabeth Donegan


Foundation Governor 1.09.23 - 31.08.27 Diocese of Shrewsbury Foundation Trust

Teaching and Learning 

Steering Committee

Headteacher Appraisal






School Nurse


Michael Skelton


Local Authority Governor 1.07.21-30.6.25 Stockport LA  Teaching and Learning  Foundation Subjects N/A


Jen Church


Staff Governor


St Philip's School Staff

Teaching and Learning



Charlotte McKee


Parent Governor 3.10.23-2.10.27 St Philip's Parent Community

Teaching and Learning



Darren Moran Parent Governor 1.4.21-1.4.25 St Philip's Parent Community  Resource Committee

Health and Safety



Wife is a member of staff

Helen Roberts


Foundation Governor 27.10.22 - 31.08.26   Teaching and Learning Literacy  


Geraldine O'Sullivan


Foundation Governor 21.10.22 - 31.08.26  

Pay Committee

Resources Committee

Natalie Holland Headteacher N/a Full Governing Body

Teaching and Learning 

Resources Committee

Steering Committee

